
Web Design & Development Agency in Penang, Malaysia

Web Design & Development Agency In

Welcome to Equilibrium Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd., where we specialize in crafting exceptional web design and development solutions tailored to your unique vision. Recognizing that individual tastes vary, we embrace every idea you bring to the table, ensuring that no concept is dismissed as unworthy. Our commitment lies in translating your aspirations into reality, creating designs that not only meet but exceed your expectations.

In the realm of web design, we understand the importance of showcasing your distinct identity. At Equilibrium Solution, we don't believe in limiting creativity. Instead, we strive to provide efficient and uncomplicated solutions that amplify your brand's message. Our goal is to unveil the essence of your dream design and present it to the world, allowing your identity to shine.

We firmly believe that quality should be accessible to everyone, and affordability should not compromise excellence. Thus, our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality, professional work at reasonable rates. Our approach revolves around three key factors: Visibility, Branding, and Lead Conversions. We aim to answer the fundamental questions of What, Who, and Why, ensuring that your online presence is not just visually appealing but strategically impactful.

Equilibrium Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd. operates as a web design and development agency based in Penang, Malaysia, extending our services globally. We pride ourselves on not boasting about awards or accolades but rather focusing on the true measure of success—value. Our clients' success stories serve as a testament to our dedication to delivering exceptional results.

We invite you to reach out and share your vision with us. Let us collaborate to build a digital presence that not only reflects your brand but also resonates with your audience. Our mission is to elevate your brand awareness and seamlessly convert it into valuable resources for you and your business. Trust Equilibrium Solution to transform your ideas into a compelling online reality.

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Why we don't show our portfolios?

At Equilibrium Solution (M) Sdn. Bhd., our decision not to prominently display portfolios stems from a deliberate choice to prioritize a client-centric approach and focus on the intrinsic value we bring to each project. Instead of relying on a showcase of past works, we believe in fostering a more personal connection with our clients by emphasizing the following reasons:

  • Tailored Solutions Over Templates: We understand that every client is unique, and their needs vary. Rather than showcasing a standardized portfolio, we prefer to engage in meaningful conversations with our clients to understand their specific requirements. This allows us to create custom solutions that are tailored to their individual visions and goals.

  • Client Privacy and Confidentiality: Some projects may involve sensitive information or proprietary details that our clients prefer to keep confidential. By not displaying portfolios, we respect and uphold the privacy of our clients and their business strategies.

  • Fresh and Innovative Approaches: Our focus is on staying at the forefront of design and development trends. By not relying on past works, we consistently challenge ourselves to explore new ideas and technologies. This ensures that each project receives a fresh, innovative approach, and our clients benefit from the latest advancements in the industry.

  • Results Speak Louder Than Images: While portfolios can visually showcase skills, we believe that the real testament to our capabilities lies in the success stories of our clients. By prioritizing client testimonials and referrals, we demonstrate the tangible impact of our work on businesses and brands.

  • Client Collaboration and Co-Creation: We value the collaborative process with our clients. By actively involving them in the creative journey, we ensure that the final product is a true reflection of their vision. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and satisfaction for our clients.

  • Adaptability and Diverse Capabilities: By not limiting ourselves to a specific set of showcased projects, we emphasize our adaptability and diverse capabilities. Whether it’s web design, development, or other digital solutions, we are equipped to handle a wide range of client needs.

In summary, our decision to forego a traditional portfolio is rooted in our commitment to providing personalized, confidential, and innovative solutions. We believe in letting our dedication to client success and the quality of our work speak for itself, ensuring that each project receives the attention and uniqueness it deserves. If you have specific inquiries or would like to learn more about our capabilities, we encourage you to reach out directly for a personalized discussion.

About Our Work Style

First Step


We will meet up with you either via physically or virtually, we would like to get to know more about your ideas, concept, expectations, implementation request, color schema, budgets, etc

First Step

Second Step


We will roughly do up a mockup, sketch, draft or a prototype design, and quote you. At this point you can do adjustments or make changes to the design layouts. 

Second Step

Third Step


The most critical part of every build is signing of the agreement between you and us in black and white & deposit payment of 80% of the overall Invoice *Mandatory

Third Step

Fourth Step


We will begin design stage, at this point you are required to view your sites to view the progress, and make any changes you seem fit. We love our clients to get involved in the design process.

Fourth Step

Fifth Step


We will test on our end, and you are also required to test the website on your part, any adjustments needed or changes, must be conducted during 7 days from the development due date, after which the project is deem completed

Fifth Step

Sixth Step

Hand Over

After testing period is over, we will confirm website is completed, before we hand over, final due payment of 20% must be settled. after which we will guide you to Do’s & Don’ts and handing over any material that belongs to you and the website.

Sixth Step

Final Step

Support & Maintenance

We do offer packages for support & maintenance of your website, do check them out at the
Pricing Page
Final Step
Websites build
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Happy Customer
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